Sustainability at Powerco

Like us, our customers and stakeholders care about sustainability. They want to be sure that Powerco is taking its responsibilities seriously to meet the needs of our people and communities, our environment and the financial health of our company. We’ve detailed our work in this area in Sustainability at Powerco.
The challenge
To keep our customers and stakeholders informed of our sustainability goals, targets and progress in a relevant and useful way, and to give people a channel to share feedback on our reporting.
The solution
In July 2020, we asked stakeholders to participate in a materiality assessment (in the form of a survey) to inform us on which sustainability issues are most important to them and to understand Powerco’s impacts. These findings have helped us to form Sustainability at Powerco and its five sustainability pillars:
- Pou Whirinaki – Ensuring reliable and resilient networks
- Pou Taiao – Contributing to a lower carbon world
- Pou Hauora –Health and safety at our core
- Pou Manaaki tāngata – Supporting our people
- Pou whakakotahitanga – Engaging with our communities
- Sustainability at Powerco provides insight into what Powerco has been doing, and is planning to do, to make our company more sustainable.
It also details Powerco’s sustainability targets for the next 1-3 years and beyond.
After reading Sustainability at Powerco, people can give feedback using a form on our website.
The benefit
Sustainability at Powerco formalises Powerco’s sustainability targets, making us accountable to customers and stakeholders
- Customers and stakeholders can have their say and give feedback to ensure we hit the mark.
- Powerco understands what sustainability issues are important to stakeholders and how they like to hear about our progress
- Powerco contributes positively to New Zealand’s energy future.
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