Power outage FAQ

Please be assured, we’re working as quickly and safely as possible to fully restore supply. If you have animal welfare issues, it’s important you call your farm vet first and then your local Rural Support Trust. Your local Civil Defence group is also an option if you have any welfare concerns. 
Our crews have a process when reconnecting sections of poles and lines. Please be assured, we will get to you as soon as we can. If we already know about your outage, it will be visible on our outage map. If it’s not there, please report your outage here.

We try our best to provide accurate restoration times on our outage map, but during storm events these can be difficult to predict because of the dynamic nature of severe weather and its impact. We recommend you check back regularly to see if there are updates.

Please see our outage page for the latest information. Keep in mind that restoration times are estimates only, so check back regularly to see if there have been any updates.

Yes, it’s important you report your outage as this makes sure we’re aware of every fault (even if your neighbours have power, but you don’t). 

Please report your power outage to your electricity retailer (the company who sends your power bill) and they’ll get it logged in our system. Alternatively, you can report your power outage on our website.

If your address isn’t appearing, it could be that it wasn’t registered correctly. You can look up your address here.  Alternatively, you can enter your ICP address (this will be stated on your power bill).

Customers can report their outage via our website tool, or via the phone to your electricity retailer.

Our emergency number (0800 27 27 27) should only be used to report unsafe situations (such as fallen power lines). Prioritising calls this way ensures we can focus our customer service efforts on restoring power. 

Please make sure you’ve reported your outage here so it is logged in our system.

Our crews work as quickly and safely as they can to restore power but the damage from severe weather and storms (such as high winds damaging equipment and trees/debris blowing into power lines) is significant, with many outages having multiple faults that need repairing or replacing. For these outages, the extent of the damage and the complexity of repairs means it’s taking longer than expected for our crews to restore supply.

In some areas, weather conditions are a factor – when winds are high, crews are unable to work at height using elevated work platforms and ladders. This can delay restoring power. Ongoing wild weather can also cause more damage and rolling outages.

Rural and remote areas can also pose challenges for our crews in accessing sites. Slips, flooding and closed roads means our crews can’t get to where they need to make repairs. In these instances, we need to use helicopters and drones. 

We know it’s frustrating waiting to be reconnected, but rest assured our crews are doing everything they can to get the power back on for everyone as quickly and safely as possible.

The safety of our crews and customers is a top priority. 

Our crews work into the evening to carry out as many repairs as they can, but for safety reasons we may need to stand them down when it gets dark (usually around 9pm) and ask them to continue at first light the following day. 

We will also stand down crews if conditions are dangerous, for example, it is unsafe to scale ladders to access poles in strong winds. 

We do our very best to prepare for extreme weather events and respond quickly by having extra crews on the ground ready to make repairs and restore power to our customers. 

Our customers have an important role to play too – before the wild weather arrives, please take the time to secure anything that could blow into lines, such as corrugated iron roofing, loose plastic bale wrapping, outdoor furniture and trampolines. Keeping your trees and vegetation clear of power lines is also a big help – overgrown trees cause a quarter of all outages on our network, especially during high winds and storms when branches blow into power lines.

If you see downed lines, you must stay well clear as they may be live – call our emergency line on 0800 27 27 27 or 111 immediately.

We know it’s difficult to be without power and understand the challenges it creates for those at home and businesses who are unable to operate. 

However, because we bring electricity to some 900,000 customers across our network, we must prioritise generators for essential community services such schools, and ask others please be patient while our crews work to get you reconnected. We encourage all our business customers to factor in back-up power supply as part of their business continuity planning. 

Medically dependent customers should contact their retailer (the company you pay your power bill to) as a matter of urgency. They’ll be able to help make the necessary arrangements for you. 

Please get in touch with our team at CustomerExperience@powerco.co.nz and they can advise on your situation. 

If you want to make a formal complaint, please contact us here and one of our team will be in touch with you. 

Powerco is a member of the Utilities Disputes Scheme, which means we’re part of a free and independent service for resolving complaints about utilities providers that you can access.