Linton purpose-built indoor switchroom
The $5 million upgrade of the Linton substation in now complete.
The upgrade, one of a number of projects to expand, renew and rebalance our assets and ensure our Palmerston North customers have continued security of power supply, saw the once outdoor electrical equipment brought indoors. A purpose-built facility now houses upgraded switchgear and other electrical equipment at the Linton site.
In a separate project totalling $5.1 million, two new underground 33kV electricity circuits – with 41,000m of cable installed – were created from 2019 to early 2022 from the Linton substation to the new Ferguson St substation.
Underground cabling was installed in mid-2022 between our Main and Ferguson Street substations, after which temporary overhead lines and power poles between the Keith and Main Street substations is being removed (mid-November 2022).
Photo above: Monopoles support the 33kV connection from Linton, before it goes into underground cabling to the Ferguson St substation.

Above: The new indoor switchroom at Linton substation.
Above: The beginning of trenching for underground cables at Haurongo Farm, Massey University.
Project update
Wednesday, November 30, 2022 About 3km of power lines and 50 poles have been removed between Keith St and Main St substations in Palmerston North.View moreProject updateNew underground power cables for CBD
Friday, September 30, 2022 Installation of larger capacity cables between Ferguson and Main Street substations.View moreProject updateSecond transformer installed at Ferguson St substation
Tuesday, March 02, 2021 A second transformer has been installed at the Ferguson St substation in Palmerston North to provide extra capacity for the city's CBD.View moreProject updateTransforming Ferguson St substation
Tuesday, March 02, 2021 Work is progressing at the Ferguson Street substation in Palmerston North with the installation of a second transformer.View more