Whanganui network

Whanganui network

A view overlooking the Whanganui River and city,

We’ve carried out a $20 million programme of work on Whanganui's power supply.

It’s a part of the investment we're making to secure Whanganui’s power now and allow for future growth.

During 2022, we’ve installed almost 8km of underground cable across the city, between our Roberts Ave and Peat St substation, to our Taupo Quay substation. To install the cable, we used directional drilling, rather than open trenching, to reduce the impact on the community and road users.

This additional 33kV circuit means there’s alternatives to restore power to the Whanganui community more quickly and safely if there’s a power cut. This is particularly important in the city centre, as Taupo Quay substation provides critical power supply to the CBD, as well as the hospital.

The Whanganui River (awa) is an important part of the community and the city’s history. We’ve collaborated with Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui and Te Runanga o Tupoho to make sure these electricity projects do not negatively impact the awa or cultural sites of importance.

Plans and consultation are also underway to renew the river crossing towers between the Whanganui national grid exit point (GXP) and the Taupo Quay substation, as well as upgrading the power line capacity between Brunswick GXP and Roberts Ave substation.

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Latest project update

Monday, December 19, 2022
A new high voltage switchroom at our Peat St substation in Whanganui has been built 1.8m off the ground to safeguard it against future flooding.