Continuing our detailed design

Continuing our detailed design

Monday, March 22, 2021

Powerco team talking

We’re continuing to work with the local community to finalise the route for our new circuit (read our update here).

In order to keep the timeframe of the project on track to construct and commission by March 2023, we are progressing our detailed design work - including both route options A and B.

Two of the activities associated with the design of the overhead sections of the circuit are staking and walkovers.

Staking involves placing wooden pegs in the ground where overhead poles could be placed. The staking is followed by a walkover - an opportunity for the design team and other experts to walk along the route and assess the pole placement options.

The team will be staking a number of pole placement options for the team carrying out the walkover to assess. A peg does not necessarily mean that a pole will definitely be placed there.

Staking and walkovers will take place in April and traffic management will be in place to ensure the team can walk the route/s safely.

If you have any questions about these activities you can contact us here.