Using data to find faults

Using data to find faults

Monday, April 03, 2023
Data plays a big role in helping us provide you with a quality power supply. 

Of late, we’ve been drilling down on data around momentary power outages or MAIFI – the average number of momentary (less than a minute) interruptions to electricity supply a customer has during, generally, a year.

Analysing MAIFI helps us identify which sections of lines and customers have the most momentary power outages. If momentary outages are regularly occurring, we find out why and work to remedy any problems.

All this number crunching helps us be proactive rather than reactive to potential faults on our electricity network – helping make a more reliable power supply for our customers. 

Click here to find out how distance-to-fault data from protection relays played a pivotal role in the power restoration effort during Cyclone Gabrielle.