How to stop drafts and keep heat inside your home

How to stop drafts and keep heat inside your home

When it’s cold outside, a lot of your indoor heat can escape through windows, making your home colder and increasing your heating costs. Here are some friendly tips to help you stop drafts and keep your home warm: Look for gaps around windows or doors, between floorboards, holes in walls, ceilings or floors, loose cat flaps, or open chimneys. Hold a piece of tissue close to the gap. If it flutters, air is getting in.

Draught-stopping solutions

Seal off any gaps

- Look for gaps around windows or doors, in floorboards, holes in walls, ceilings or floors, loose cat flaps, or open chimneys. Hold a piece of tissue close to the gap. If it flutters, air is getting in.
- Gaps or rot in window frames.


Seal off windows
- Buy adhesive foam strips or v-seal to go around doors and windows.
- You can get these at hardware stores, such as Bunnings or Mitre 10.
- Clean and dry the surface first. Follow the instructions.


Use gap filler
- Use rugs to cover gaps in floorboards or try gap filler.
- If you own your home, you can use gap filler for gaps between floorboards, skirting boards, and walls.


Seal off an unused fireplace or chimney
- Board off unused fi replaces or block a chimney with plastic bags filled with scrunched newspapers.
- Sometimes these are sold as chimney balloons. Include a string so you can pull it out again.
- Make sure you remove it when you start using your fire again!

Insulating with curtains

Curtains are a great way to insulate your windows and keep the warmth in. Here’s how to make the most of them.


Choose the right curtains
- They should be wide enough to cover the windows without any gaps.
- Ideally, they should reach down to the floor or at least below the windowsill.
- Use thick, double-layered curtains if possible, as the air gap between layers helps insulate the window.


By following these tips, you can stop drafts and keep your home cozy and warm without breaking the bank.   If you want to learn more about insulating your home there are more options to explore depending on your budget.


Stay warm and comfortable!