Customers impacted by storm reconnected

Customers impacted by storm reconnected

Friday, February 18, 2022

Powerco is pleased to have reconnected all customers who lost power as a result of Cyclone Dovi.

The exception is a few jobs in Taranaki which crews intend to have reconnected this evening.

Clean up efforts since Sunday have seen power restored progressively to some 35,000 customers impacted by storm-related outages.

Network Operations Manager Scott Horniblow thanks customers for their patience and understanding as crews have worked their way through significant repair and restoration jobs this week.

“This was the largest storm to impact Powerco’s network in a decade. Our crews have worked tirelessly, postponing all planned maintenance work so that they could focus on the 1750 jobs needed to get our customers reconnected this week.

“We know this has been a challenging time for our customers and we can’t say enough how much we appreciate their patience and understanding as we’ve worked to get their power back on safely.”

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