Tree safety near power lines

Safety with trees near power lines

Trees and power lines are not a good mix.

In windy conditions and during storms, tree branches and other vegetation can blow on to lines – leaving them either hanging low or lines down on the ground. If you do come across low-hanging or downed power lines, keep people and animals well clear and report it to us on 0800 27 27 27 or call 111.

Keeping trees clear of lines, and not planting new vegetation near power lines, keeps us all safe and helps keep the power on.

It's the property owner’s responsibility to keep their trees a safe distance from overhead lines. People cutting or pruning trees near live lines are at risk of electrocution or serious injuries. If your tree grows too close to power lines, to stay safe you must use a professional tree trimming service to carry out any tree cutting or tree pruning on your property.

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Do your trees need a trim?

Trees in lines cause one in four power cuts on our network - that's 70,000 customers without power each year.

When overgrown, trees can interfere in power lines, cause outages and make it difficult for our crews to restore power. Trees in lines also pose a fire risk.

This is why it is so important for property owners to keep trees clear of overhead lines. Your neighbourhood will thank you for it.

Trees near our network lines

We monitor trees growing close to our network lines and will send you a ‘Cut or Trim Notice’ if your tree is too close.

We’ll cover the reasonable cost of the first cut if your tree has not previously been cut by a Powerco contractor. Contact the contractor on your ‘Cut or Trim Notice’ to arrange this.

If you’ve previously had your tree trimmed and this is another ‘Cut or Trim Notice’ from us, you must arrange a contractor to carry out the work at your cost within the timeframe on the notice. 

Keeping trees clear of lines keeps us all safe. That’s why it’s important for you to trim your trees when we ask you to. If you don’t act on a ‘Cut or Trim Notice’ within the timeframe given, you can be fined up to $10,000 and a further $500 per day until the work is done. You may also be liable for costs associated with damaged power lines or equipment caused by your tree, so please work with us to keep our network safe.

Trees near your service line

You’re responsible for keeping trees clear of your service line.

Working near power lines is dangerous, so you must arrange for an approved contractor to trim trees within 4m of your service line.

Contact your retailer (the company you pay your power bill to) to arrange for a free temporary disconnection so your contractor can work safely. Your retailer will need at least 24 hours' notice.

Maintaining your trees

Property owners are legally required to keep trees a minimum safe distance away from overhead lines under the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations. If your tree grows too close, you must get it trimmed by an approved contractor. Keeping trees clear of lines ensures a safer, more reliable network for us all. 

It's important to maintain a safe distance between trees and power lines to prevent electrical hazards and power outages. Powerco provides guidelines for property owners and tree contractors regarding the safe distances that trees should be planted from power lines and how to safely prune trees near power lines. There are also potential risks and dangers of trees growing too close to power lines, such as electrocution and fires.

Update to Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 

In October 2024, the regulations were updated to increase the minimum safe distances between trees and power lines, and a new ‘clear to the sky’ requirement for some trees was introduced. There is a grace period relating to these until 16 October 2026.  

If your tree is growing within the Cut-back or Notice Zone (Tree A in diagram to the right), you may get a legal notice saying your trees must be trimmed soon because they’re getting too close to power equipment. Should they reach the Growth Limit Zone (Tree B), you will get a legal notice requiring them to be trimmed. Click here for a list of Powerco-approved tree contractors.

Overhead line voltage
Growth limit zone
Cut-back zone
Notice zone

Power lines
(230-400 V)

High voltage
lines (6.6kV)


High voltage
lines (11kV)

High voltage
lines (33kV)*

High voltage
lines (50-66 kV)*

High voltage lines
(66kV or more)*
* Clear to the sky requirement
  • These distances are from the power line, not the power pole
  • These distances are a minimum and apply in all conditions, including high wind or snow
  • In most instances, the power lines that go to a house or building are low voltage power lines


  • Power lines that go down a street may be low or high voltage
  • For spans greater than 150 metres, additional clearances apply
  • Trees protected by district plans are excluded from the 'clear to the sky' requirements

Forestry and power lines

We want to work with forest owners to help plan their new forestry plantings, maintain power line clearance and safely harvest forestry blocks near power lines. Working together we can help prevent fires, ensure insurance compliance, minimise costs incurred from damaged power lines and avoid power outages.


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What to plant near power lines

Choosing the right tree for the right spot is very important if you are planting near power lines.

Aim to choose trees and shrubs that will grow to a height of no more than 4m near a power line.

All growing situations are unique. We recommend you talk to your local garden centre for their advice about what plants grow to what size in your region.

While trees and shrubs may be recommended as suitable for planting under or near power lines, please be aware that as the tree owner you are responsible for ensuring trees on your land are a safe distance from power lines.

Remember, before you plant - look up!

Frequently asked questions

Working near power lines is dangerous. That's why any tree within 4m of lines must be trimmed or removed by an approved contractor.
Before you plant – look up! Aim to choose trees and shrubs that will grow to a height of no more than 4m near a power line. And remember to regularly trim your trees near power lines.
Working near power lines is dangerous. That's why any tree within 4m of lines must be trimmed by an approved contractor. You can be prosecuted under the Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 for attempting to carry out tree trimming work yourself.
All growing situations are unique. We recommend you talk to your local garden centre for their advice about what plants grow to what size in your region.

If a tree on your property is near power lines, and is either self-seeded or at the time of planting, you reasonably believed it wouldn't interfere with power lines when fully grown, then you can declare 'no interest' in the tree.  This means it will be trimmed or removed at Powerco's discretion (or may not be worked on at all). Follow the instructions on this Declaring no interest in trees form.

Find an approved contractor to help

Working near power lines is dangerous. That's why any tree within 4m of lines must be trimmed by an approved contractor.

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