Terms of use

We (Powerco Limited and related companies) have set out below:

  • the terms that apply when you use our website 
  • the general terms that apply when you enter our competitions
  • a reminder that our privacy policy applies when you use our website or enter our competitions
  • a quick note to let you know New Zealand law applies to all of these terms.

These terms apply when you use our website

You agree to these terms by using our website. If you don’t agree with these terms, don’t use our website. Our website has information about us and our electricity and gas distribution networks. It’s general information so it may not be applicable to your particular circumstances. And it’s not a substitute for commercial judgement or professional advice.  The information on our website will change from time to time. You can view and download the information on our website, but you must not:

  • use the information for a public purpose or commercial gain, or
  • use our website or the information on our website for unauthorised or unlawful purposes.

We don’t endorse or accept responsibility for third party websites, features, products or services, even if they’re linked on our website. If you use any third-party websites,  features, products or services, there will be third party terms that apply.
Your access to or use of our website may be interrupted, delayed, restricted or blocked. There may be errors or defects in design or engineering. We may take down our 
website at any time.

We (or our licensors) keep all intellectual property rights worldwide to the software, technology, processes, materials and information on our website.
To the extent permitted by law:

  • We’re not liable (in contract, tort including negligence, or otherwise) for any loss or damage (whether direct, indirect, special or consequential) arising out of or in connection with the use of (or inability to use) our website, or reliance on any information on our website, by you or anyone else.
  • We make no warranties (express or implied) and no representations about (i) the accuracy of the information on our website, (ii) viruses and other harmful elements that may be present on websites, software and servers, and (iii) third party websites, applications, products and services.

These terms apply when you enter our competitions

When we run a competition, we’ll outline the specific terms for that competition. These general terms will apply to the competition as well. By entering the competition, 
you agree to the specific terms for that competition and these general terms. If you don’t agree, don’t enter the competition.
The specific terms for each competition will include:

  • What prize(s) are up for grabs.
  • How to enter the competition
  • How to make sure your entry counts, eg how old you have to be to enter, whether you can enter if you or a relative work for Powerco, whether you have to be a NZ resident
  • How many winners there’ll be
  • How and when the winner(s) will be selected
  • How we’ll contact you if you’re a winner (eg phone, email) and, if we can’t reach you that way, how long we’ll wait before there’s a redraw

The general terms are:

  • Prizes are non-transferrable, non-refundable and can’t be swapped for cash.
  • Your entry must not have any inappropriate or potentially offensive content.
  • The winner(s) takes care of all costs that aren’t expressly included as part of the prize. For example, if the prize is tickets to an event there may costs like transport to the event, meals at the event etc that the winner needs to pay for.
  • If we can’t reach you to tell you you’ve won, there will be a re-draw. The specific terms and these general terms will apply to any re-draw. 
  • Our decisions about the competition are final.
  • A competition may be on our Facebook page but we are in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with, Facebook.

We care about your privacy

We get personal information about you when:

  • you use our website (eg IP address, device ID, city, region, browsing behaviour)
  • you enter our competitions (eg details you give in entry forms) 
  • we have other interactions with you. 

Our privacy policy tells you how we collect, hold, use and share your personal information.
Remember though, it’s up to you to look after the personal information on your device. You’re responsible for (and we’re not liable for) any breach in the security of your device or unauthorised access to personal information on your device.

New Zealand laws

All of the above terms are governed by, and are to be construed in accordance with, the laws of New Zealand. The New Zealand courts have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any legal action in relation to your use of our website, entry into our competition, or any of the above terms. 

Updates to our terms

We’ll change these terms every now and then. The changes will take effect when posted here. 

These terms were last updated on 8 July 2021.